[sub] Journeys in Japan; Ashikaga and Tochigi; Cultivating nature and tradition

2019-01-08 87

Ashikaga and Tochigi: Cultivating nature and tradition - Journeys in Japan
In the old days, the cities of Ashikaga and Tochigi were post towns along the highway that led to the famous Nikko Toshogu Shrine, where the first Tokugawa shogun was buried. Pilgrims used to make their way along this highway, as did Imperial court messengers from Kyoto. The cities also prospered thanks to their riverside locations. Lumber and other merchandise was shipped downstream and there was a busy trade with merchants in Edo (modern-day Tokyo). Ashikaga boasts renowned tourist sites, including the Ashikaga Gakko, the oldest school in Japan. And the Ashikaga Flower Park draws visitors from far and wide to see the remarkable display of wisteria blossom. On this episode of Journeys in Japan, Leina Bambino visits these 2 cities where people continue to live with tradition, while preserving the natural environment and creating new attractions.

足利和枥木:自然和传统的沃土 - 日本之旅Journeys in Japan
过去,足利市和枥木市都曾是重要驿站,坐落于通向著名的日光东照宫的主干道上,这座神社里埋葬着第一代德川幕府的将军。那时候,虔诚的朝圣者和京都的宫廷信使都沿着这条路远道而来进行祭拜。 这两座城市沿河而建,因其优越的地理位置而逐渐繁荣昌盛。人们将木材等商品沿河运到下游地区,与江户(即现在的东京)的商人保持着密切的商业往来。 足利市拥有许多著名景点,比如日本历史最悠久的学校和令人赞不绝口的紫藤花展。

Ashikaga dan Tochigi: Budi daya alam dan tradisi - Journeys in Japan
Zaman dahulu, Ashikaga dan Tochigi adalah tempat peristirahatan yang terletak di jalan menuju kuil Nikko Toshogu yang terkenal, tempat shogun Tokugawa yang pertama dikuburkan. Peziarah dan juga kurir kerajaan dari Kyoto, dulu melewati jalan ini. Kedua kota ini juga makmur karena letaknya di tepi sungai. Kayu dan dagangan lainnya diangkut ke hilir, dan berlangsung perdagangan yang sibuk dengan para pedagang dari Edo (sekarang Tokyo). Ashikaga memiliki tempat wisata terkenal, termasuk sekolah tertua di Jepang dan taman bunga wisteria yang mengagumkan.

Ashikaga y Tochigi: Cultivando la naturaleza y la tradición - Journeys in Japan
Antiguamente, Ashikaga y Tochigi eran ciudades postales junto a la carretera que llevaba al famoso Templo Nikko Toshogu, donde sepultaron al primer “shogun” Tokugawa. Los peregrinos solían recorrer la carretera, al igual que los mensajeros imperiales de Kioto. Las ciudades también prosperaron gracias a sus ubicaciones ribereñas. Leña y otras mercancías se enviaban río abajo y se hacían muchos negocios con los comerciantes de Edo (la actual Tokio). Ashikaga hace alarde de conocidos sitios turísticos, incluyendo la escuela más antigua de Japón y el notable despliegue de floraciones de glicinia.

아시카가와 도치기: 자연과 전통 - Journeys in Japan
옛날 아시카가와 도치기는 역참마을로, ‘닛코 도쇼구’라는 유명한 신사로 가는 길에 위치해 있습니다. 도쇼구 신사에는 제1대 도쿠가와 쇼군이 묻혀 있는데, 순례자들은 그 옛날 교토에서 온 사신처럼 이 길을 통해 신사로 향하곤 했습니다. 두 도시는 강가에 자리한 덕택에 번창할 수 있었습니다. 목재 등 여러가지 상품이 수로를 통해 에도(현재의 도쿄)로 운반되었고, 상인의 교역도 활발하게 이루어졌습니다. 아시카가는 일본 최초의 학교와 아름다운 등나무로 유명한 관광지이기도 합니다.

อาชิคางะและโทชิงิ: การปลูกฝังด้านธรรมชาติและวัฒนธรรม - การท่องเที่ยวในญี่ปุ่นJourneys in Japan